That Time I Got Accosted by a Japanese Grandma

My grandma: she’s a sweet little lady; always cooking food, cleaning up boo-boos and basically grandma-ing like a boss. Ya’ know, the way grandmas should … Read the rest

Here’s to our Two Year Blogiversary! ::Clink Clink::

The Wondernuts turned two years old on February 13th! We’re a little late in celebrating, but belated is better than never. Right? Right?!?! This year, … Read the rest

Heated Toilet Seats: Japan Thought of Everything!

It’s honestly something we rarely think about. Something that we could give two flying farts of a thought about. Something that’s often left behind in … Read the rest

We Ate Raw Chicken. There. I Said It.

I think we’ve all been pretty much conditioned that when we cook chicken, it has to be cooked completely through. There are no exceptions to … Read the rest

Our Buddy Totoro at Studio Ghibli

A long time ago, when my husband and I were dating, he made a joke. We were on my university campus and saw a bunny … Read the rest

Wednesday’s Wonder: Lots of Hands in the Kitchen

This Wednesday’s Wonder: There’s lots of hands in the kitchen in Tokyo, Japan. A lot of people would say life is like a sitcom. Others … Read the rest

Wednesday’s Wonder: Robots Have Feelings

This Wednesday’s Wonder: Robot from Laputa: Castle in the Sky at the Ghibli Musuem. A long time ago, my husband introduced me to a little guy called Totoro. … Read the rest

Wednesday’s Wonder: Good Times

This Wednesday’s Wonder: Good Times, also known as: the epic hangover. Back in college, I discovered the wonderful world of Jack Daniels. When my liver … Read the rest

Wednesday’s Wonder: There’s a Sperm on Your Roof

This Wednesday’s Wonder: The Asahi building in Tokyo, Japan has a giant sperm–I mean–a giant flame on it. For the over 13 million people living … Read the rest